Our aim as a football club is to provide a safe, enjoyable and fun environment for the children of Twyford and surrounding areas to learn and enjoy football. We are always on the look out for more players and volunteers to help us achieve this aim!
If your child is:
Aged 5-7, then please come along to our Mini-Comets sessions: https://www.twyfordcomets.com/news/soccer-school/ and if you need any more information then please email the clubsecretary@twyfordcomets.com
Aged 7-21 then please email the clubsecretary@twyfordcomets.com and we will be able to put you in contact with the head coach for the relevant team with regards to availability.
We need you! We would absolutely love to provide every child who applies the chance to play in a Twyford Comets team. Unfortunately due to the constrained numbers of volunteers, we only have so many coaches and managers and the number of spaces available are limited.
This is where you can help. If you can spare 1-2 hours per week during the football season (September – April), then we would love you to help us out. Let’s be honest, you are probably going to be at every practise and game anyways supporting your child so here is the opportunity to become more involved and get a ringside view of the action. You don’t have to know anything about football, or even be sporty! You can learn on the job! 🙂 Please also don’t think that these are male only roles. Men and women are required for all roles!
Volunteer Level 1 : Assistant
No training required. Let the coach, manager of your team know that you would like to become more involved. Commitment levels are around an hour a week during training and practice. You will be assisting in organising the session (helping with kit, drinks, shoelaces). This will give you more insight into why we do certain practises and how they are organised. It will also give you a feel for whether or not you would like to step up to be a manager or coach! There are also other opportunities to help out e.g. at the club’s fun day, presentation evening, christmas fair, etc. Every little bit helps and every contribution helps us ensure that our kids get the best football experience and most importantly have fun!
Volunteer Level 2: Coach and/or Manager
If there is no team for your child, then the easiest way to get a team is to create one. We will help you with all the steps and take you through the process. It is really painless and you would be joining a great group of people who make running the Twyford Comets FC a breeze. If you are over 16 and can commit to managing a team, we will support you in achieving an FA Level 1 Course , A First Aid Course and a Safe Guarding Children course. You will also need to be CRB checked.
This is all painless and you will be supported by the club every step of the way. If you are interested then please email us at clubsecretary@twyfordcomets.com with your contact details and we can discuss it with you.
Volunteer Level 3: Committee Members
Of course running a club is not without the curse of paperwork. We therefore have a great group of individuals who have stepped up to the plate and volunteered a bit of additional time to help out with the administration. While some of the roles have been filled, we still have a few roles which need filling to help us out and if you are interested in learning new skills or helping us out with existing skills then please let us know! Please email clubsecretary@twyfordcomets.com if you are interested in playing a bigger role in the future of the club!