1. The name of the club will be Twyford Comets Football Club.
2. The primary purpose of the club is to provide facilities and equal opportunities for children from the Twyford area to play football, to help the development of skills and teach the laws of the game at an early age.
3. The club will offer the facilities of teams for U5–>U21 (Co-ed, Girls and Boys), Disability Teams,Men’s and Ladies’ teams as long as there are sufficient numbers of players to form a team, and volunteers to manage and coach the teams.
4. The Club will enter each team into the appropriate leagues affiliated with the appropriate County Football Association.
5. The Club will be administered by a committee which is comprised of the mandatory roles (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Club Welfare Officer) and a number of other roles which can be appointed without constitutional formality, and by agreement of the committee e.g. Fixtures Secretary, Referee Secretary, Player Registration Secretary, etc.
6. The election of mandatory roles requires an AGM or EGM.
7. All the committee will stand down at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and new committee members will be elected/re-elected at the AGM for the following season.
8. In addition to the club officers there will be the post of Honorary Life President who will not form part of the committee for club administration but will be an ambassador for the club.
9. The Annual General Meeting will be held no later than end of July each year.
10. Membership of the club’s teams will be open to any players of suitable age living in Twyford and surrounding areas, subject to FA and relevant league rules. They will be represented by their parents in matters relating to running the club. Members of these teams who are over 18 years of age will be members of the club in their own right and will have the right to vote in matters relating to the running of the club.
11. Manager meetings will be scheduled on a regular basis during the playing season and as often as necessary at other times to ensure the proper running of the club and should be attended by all the club’s volunteers.
12. Finance – The annual subscription shall be decided at the “May” managers’ meeting and will take into account the Treasurers estimate of the level of expenditure for the forthcoming year. The meeting must be attended by ten members
13. The club financial year will end on 30th June.
14. A statement of the annual accounts will be presented at the AGM
15. Subscriptions should be paid on the date for registration each year. Team managers shall have the discretion to allow payment by installments in cases of hardship in agreement with the Club Secretary.
16. Subscriptions must be transferred directly into the club’s bank account quoting the team and player’s name
17. The treasurer will open a bank account, three signatories being used who will be Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Two signatures are required to make payments by cheque. Payments made by direct transfer require the Treasurer to make the transfer, and must have been
approved in advance by either Chairman or Secretary.
18. Any proposal to amend rules must be submitted in writing and shall be considered at either an extraordinary meeting or AGM Changes to rules shall require a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting. Any such proposal must be received by the Secretary at least 7 days
before the meeting.
19. An extraordinary meeting of the club may be called by any club member providing they can show the Secretary the support of ten other members. The Secretary will arrange the meeting within a reasonable time and all members will be notified.
20. Any meeting other than a committee meeting shall require the presence of fifteen members for voting purposes.
21. A committee meeting shall require the presence of half the committee members to form a quorum.
22. The Secretary will record minutes for all meetings.
23. The club recommends that ideally children should play in their appropriate year group wherepossible, but recognise on occasion that it may be helpful for a child to play up a year. This is acceptable so long as the team/player adheres to the specific FA and league rules concerning age.
24. The club is committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members of whatever level or authority.
25. The club will reinvest any profits into the Club and does not pay its members.
26. Upon dissolution of the Club, any surplus profits must be reinvested into another CASC, Charity or The Governing Body of Sport (The FA).
27. No player will receive payment for playing matches.
28. The Club will ensure that it maintains its Chartered Club Status with the FA at all times
29. Committee meetings will be scheduled on a regular basis during the playing season and as often as necessary at other times to ensure the proper running of the club and should be attended by
the Club’s Committee
Last Update July 2019